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November MORG!

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Here we go again - it's MORG time!


After OctRoverFest pre-empted our regularly scheduled MORG this month, it's now time to look at getting back on track for November.  This time the first Saturday falls on NOV 5th.


For November we're going to shake it up a bit and visit our friends in the Great State of Jefferson. 


I know, I know, you may have heard some strange things about these Northerners.  Things about a fondness for banjo music and how they may not have a Starbucks on every corner; that they may not have 4G LTE service 100% of the time (the horror!) but don't be alarmed, they're friendly folk and they will be glad to show us bay-area types around their turf.



The plan will be to visit Folsom Lake for the day.  The lake is very low these days and there is a huge area to explore and play.  Additionally you can just park by the water and have a lunch while watching crazy Russians get their new Toyotas stuck in the mud (true story...be sure to ask for details)  We'll meet at the boat ramps (high and dry these days) off the Douglas Blvd. entrance.  As usual, plan to be there at 10:00 AM and bring a snack or lunch with you.  


Should you get board or have a little more time available, we can also go over to Prairie City OHV park.  It's about 30 minutes south of the lake and I understand they've made some improvements over the last year or so.



Do watch this thread for updates - I have to admit I haven't been here myself so I may make some minor changes depending on local knowledge.



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Yea outta town at the November MORG!!!!


LOL. But for real, my sister in law and her boyfriend are coming for a week visit from Colorado and we are doing Thanksgiving early that Saturday.  Looking forward to Frank Raines or South Cow soon. 

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Who's setting those two up? I wana go

That's generally me, though I'm happy to have help if you want to put something together.  ;)


We typically do Frank Raines in the spring depending on the weather.  Cow Mountain is a bit of an odd-duck.  We don't really have a 'regular' time for it but try to throw it in to mix things up.  Both of them are scary-slick in the rain.

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Kids soccer is cancelled and the Granite Bay Beach is literally 5 minutes from my house. Only issue may be the rain we have had the past two days. Prairie city is close as well or we can hit up a brewery in the afternoon owned by a buddy of mine who has a d90 and lr4.
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