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Arnold/Bear Valley Fire Trail run

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Hello everyone, I hope we all had a good labor day weekend.


When I came into work this morning my boss and I started talking about our weekends. He has a cabin in Arnold and rides dirt bikes and races motorcycles so he went riding around his cabin.


He told me he hit up a fire trail which he nomally doesnt do because they're kind of boring. They eventually got on to the ski slopes at Bear valley and rode but had so much fun on the trail that they went back.


He sent me a link to a Nissan Xterra forum that did this trip. this is what they had to say about the location


"Good question. I knew I'd forget something. It would be great to see you guys on Sunday if possible. Should still be a great day on the trail. Attached is a map that shows where I hope we end up on Saturday night (at the north end of the red highlighted route). That's where the cabin is that's in the pictures near the top of the thread, in Bear Trap Basin. There's a short (0.1mi) spur road to the left off of the Corral Hollow Trail once you make it into the "bottom" of the basin and the meadow opens up in front of you with lots of corn lilies and aspen trees. Should be quite obvious. We'll be camped at the end of the spur just past the cabin. The turn off of Hwy 4 is pretty obvious. It's just past the vista point and there's actually a sign for forest road 7N09 on the Hwy. If you get to the Cabbage Patch highway maintenance yard, you've just passed the turn.


IF that camp spot and/or the cabin is full, we'll have a backup plan to go back up on the ridge to the X on the map labeled "backup camp". You will have gone past that on the way in, so you should probably take a look as you go by it the first time. That camp is on the ridge, in the forest, just off to the left of the Corral Hollow Trail on the spur road down to Jelmini Basin. There's an old wood sign there (I think for forest road 7N11). Take the spur about 0.1mi then look off to the north side of the road junctions towards the top of the ridge. We'd be obvious.


IF neither spot is open (highly unlikely), we'll leave a note on the door of the cabin telling you where to meet us.


As for timing, the dirt road off of Hwy 4 to the cabin is in pretty good shape and should only take you a half hour. It's about 15-20 minutes to the 7N09 turn off from Arnold. So add another 45-60 minutes from your drive time to Arnold. Let's say meet at 10am in camp. We should probably leave camp close to 10am, especially if we want any hope of going up to Mt. Reba too. The last piece of Corral Hollow Trail took us about 4 hours to run on the pre-run, so I expect at least that much time for extra vehicles.


Hope you can make it out"



If anyone is interested I'd love to go check it out with some people. I know there was a thread earlier about bay area trails. this isnt the bay area but if you live in the east bay its closer than Tahoe.


If you're interested lets figure out a date. With my new baby day trips work the best for me but we can figure somthing out.


here is the link to the thread on the forum.



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we work for the fire department (contra costa) and he did some clean up on the trails up threre so maybe we can get around that if its true. He also said that they're supposed to be drivin on and that its for ohv use.


i just talked to him about it and it is a ohv trail. he said there were people trailering their toys in and out so no legal issues.

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So it sounds like we're on for the 18th. Just a little day trip. Enrique this area in stockton looks like a good spot to meet. I dont know whats in the area or if we want to grab breakfast or whatever. let me know what you think.


here is what californiajeeper.com said about it.


"Location: Corral Hollow trail is located just below Bear Valley Ski Resort/Mount Reba off hwy 4. The trail can be run either direction. Leaving directly from hwy 4 at the east end of trail you will have to watch for the small Jeep trail marker just as you come around the last turn before enter the Bear Valley area. You can also access the trail from the west by taking Cabbage road to FR 7N11.


Description: The trail is about 13 miles long and takes about 2 hours to run. There are no major obstacles and the trail is not difficult. This trail is a great choice for the first timers or if you want to take the wife’s SUV somewhere without tearing up the rocker panels. On the back side of the trail you will find yourself on top of a ridge with a beautiful view of a valley, and across the other side of the valley a view of Mokelumne Peak. At this point you come across a make shift fence/gate because you will be entering open cattle range area. You will have to open the gate to continue, be sure to close it behind you. You will begin winding back down around the mountain to Bear Trap Basin. There is a cabin at Bear Trap Basin and you will probably see some cattle in this area. Coming out you will find you have a couple routes to take both ending up at the same place, Cabbage road. Enjoy the trail although you may find the highlight of the trail was to see some cattle up close. This trail is a short distance from the Slick Rock Road trail and they could be both run in a day, maybe breaking for lunch at the Bear Valley Lodge.


Recommended equipment: Any type of 4x4 vehicle can make it through. Vehicles with a long wheel base will have a little trouble with some sharp turns. "

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