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April Morg

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That can be a problem, but if you have a CB Radio or Amateur Radio 2M, someone is normally monitoring channel 7 (CB) or 146.460 (2M). If you don't have either, $50 will set you up with the CB or $80-100 for the latter (plus a simple test). Worth every penny when someone gets in trouble (a story for another time ....).






Thanks, Graeme!


That is great advice. I will have to look into getting a CB radio so I can at least have some form of communication - especially if something happens. I literally just missed everyone and should have ventured to the top of the world, but did not want to go alone.


I see you live in San Carlos. I do too. Say hi if you see me around town in my LR4. I am always around town, as I basically live right downtown on Laurel Street.


Thanks again!



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